Our past history is part of who we are today. As much
as we may desire, we cannot go back to change one thing. However, we are powerful to change the hold it has upon our lives,
and we can learn to view the past through a different lens. In moving forward, we will work together to develop new behavioral
and communication techniques to assist us in revealing a different kind of intimacy in our important relationships.
One basic assumption in this solution-based therapy approach centers around the logic of small
changes. Small changes lead to bigger changes; as one person in a relationship changes, the relationship itself changes.
If one family member changes, other family members also change. In this way, it is not always necessary for both individuals
in a couple to come in for couple's therapy, or for all members in a family to come in for family therapy.
The ripple as a metaphor for change
single drop of water has the ability to change the surface of the water surrounding it. In the same way, one first step toward
change begins the process of a new creation - a change.